Yufeng Luo
Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Computing, University of Wyoming

Dept 3905
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071, USA
Hi there, welcome to my space! I am a PhD student studying Computational Astrophysics at the University of Wyoming. I have a broad interest in the intersection between astronomy and computational science. As a current Wyoming resident, I consider myself a digital cowboy riding on the supercomputers.
Growing up near the gorgeous mountains Qinling 秦岭 , I am an outdoor adventurist. My current location, Laramie, is surrounded by beautiful mountains, and I enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing among them. I occasionally post some pictures under the photos section.
My research interests include two general directions: Computational & data-driven astrophysics and High-Performance Computing. I am interested in studying compact objects, such as black holes and neutron stars through simulations. I also explore the physics of quasars and galaxy evolution using data mining and machine learning techniques. I am particularly interested in applying HPC to improve and innovate research directions.
Dec 10, 2024 | Attended the DESI Cancun meeting and gave a talk on my current on bad exposure identification with DECaLS data. |
Aug 16, 2024 | Delivered a lightning talk at the ANL student symposium on the research I conducted during my internship. My work is on autonomous camera control. See the work here |
Mar 16, 2024 | I will return to ANL as a summer research aide at the SAGE group, continuing my work on edge computing and deep learning. I am excited to work with the team again and learn more about the cutting-edge research in the field. |
Feb 01, 2024 | Published the stability of rotating neutron star paper. arXiv |
Dec 08, 2023 | IllinoisGRMHD paper publication |
selected publications
- The EDGE–CALIFA survey: central molecular gas depletion in AGN host galaxies–a smoking gun for quenching?Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 2021
- HPC-driven computational reproducibility in numerical relativity codes: A use case study with IllinoisGRMHDClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2023
- The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: An Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution StudiesAstrophysical Journal Supplement series, 2024